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About us

Our Brussels based photographers share a common love for capturing candid moments on the streets of our remarkable city. Each of our members showcase a spectrum of styles, making our collective a melting pot of creativity. Their diverse perspectives and unique approaches to photography enrich our collective’s vision in sharing knowledge, and inspiring each other to push artistic boundaries.


Photo walks

Whether you are an amateur enthusiast or a high rank pro, join us on our free photo walks organised each time by a different member of the collective. These are taking place in Brussels or other nearby cities. A great moment to share with other street photography fanatics. Join us by sending an email to

Speakers and workshops

Sharpen your street photography skills through our different speaker sessions and workshops, where successful street photographers share insights, techniques, influences and secrets behind their stunning shots.


Come and discover the work of our members during their annual 1000streets Collective exhibition.

All profits generated through our various events will be entirely donated to non-profit organisations acting against poverty in our streets.


We are a street photography collective with a soft-limit of 20 active members. The members are individuals who have shown enthusiasm and dedication towards the collective and street photography in general by actively participating in several of our past events. Contact us if you are interested in becoming an active member.